Referral Software
Intelligent Referral Software streamlines connections between physicians, home health,
physical therapy, DME, imaging, sleep centers, hospice and more.
Our HIPAA-compliant platform provides automatic appointment reminders, secure document sharing,
and real-time updates to simplify transition between care settings.

Digital, Real-time, No FAX, No Phone, No Paper.
Realtime referrals are digitally processed with no faxing or phone calls.
Better care for patients with fast referral response and efficient follow-up.
Requests are sent thru a dashboard with face sheets & documents attached - not faxed.
Communication between offices occurs thru the communication portal.

Centralized Referral Dashboard
Secure Text

Appointment Reminders
Why you should improve your referral process.
42% of patients lack the care they need and destination providers are not realizing the revenue that could be available to them.
50% of revenue is lost due to leakage, depriving an average health system up to $2M per employed PCP each year.
Missed or delayed diagnoses account for 25% of malpractice claims due to mishandling of patients between providers.
55% of referring physicians report dissatisfaction and concern for patient care due to the lack of timely progress updates post referral.
What Our Client Says
Our staff is loving your referral software! The digital processing of referrals in real-time has been a huge time-saver and the centralized dashboard has been perfect for exchanging information and updates related to referrals. Not only does it do away with the mounds of paperwork, it also significantly reduces errors and delays.